DeSales Community,
I am looking forward to a healthy school year! This year I will continue to keep you updated to any changes regarding health policies for this school year. If you have any questions or concerns please feel free to contact me.
Here is some important Health Office information for your review:
- Immunizations: NYS has outlined the immunizations required by law by grade level. This information can be found in the immunizations chart attached below. You will be notified if your child still needs any of the required immunizations prior to the start of the school year. All required immunizations must complete by the 14th day of the new school year to avoid exclusion. Any questions please contact myself or your physician. (please see attached)
- Physicals: New York State law requires that students new to the district and all students entering grades Pre-K, K, 1, 3, 5, and 7 have a current physical examination on file in the school health office. If your child plays inter-scholastic sports, they will need a physical annually. The physical form for your physician to complete can be found below.
- Health History Form and Emergency Contact Form: A current health history and emergency contact form is required every year to keep up-to-date on any changes. Please provide any changes in health, meds, demographic info, parent/guardian contact info as well as designated other emergency contact info. Please fill out and return as soon as possible so we have the info on hand in the event of an illness or emergency. (please see attached)
- Medications in school: NYS guidelines require note from your physician for all medications (Rx and OTC) in school. This will need to be completed yearly by the physician. Meds must be in a properly labeled container and brought to school by an adult/parent/guardian. A parent permission note to have med administered in school will also need to be completed. Even a simple item such as a cough drop is considered medicine and will need a note from your physician.
- Absences or tardiness: Please contact the school first thing in the morning. Call main office @433-6422 or health office @434-4680. A message may be left if staff is unavailable to take call. Please let us know your child’s name, teacher, and reason for absence/tardiness. This helps us to monitor illness as well as make sure all students are safe and accounted for.
- Vision, Hearing, Scoliosis screenings: We will be doing hearing, vision and scoliosis screening this school year.
- Dental screenings: are encouraged annually and a copy of your child’s dental health certificate can be sent to health office to be put on file.
All forms can be found in the attachments below and may be returned to school with your student or faxed to main office Attn: Nurse @ (716)434-4002
Thank you for taking the time to review this information! Myself as well as the entire staff at DeSales is committed to keeping your child safe, healthy, and strong while nurturing them and fostering a lifelong love for learning. If you have any health-related questions regarding your student here at DeSales, please feel free to contact me.
Renee Nye, RN
School Nurse
DeSales Catholic School
[email protected]
Student Health Forms