The Lockport City School District provides transportation for District residents in grades K-5 living at least one mile from DeSales, and for 6-8th grade students living at least 1.5 miles from DeSales. Busing is not provided for students in Pre-School.
Parents/Guardians are responsible to request busing from their local school district by April 1st. Busing forms will be included with each year's registration/re-registration packet and must be returned to the Lockport Board of Education. Bus routes and times are announced at the end of August. Questions about busing can be directed to Mr. Jim Caldwell at Ridge Road Express (433-6777).
Bus service is also provided for out-of-district DeSales students (Starpoint, Roy-Hart, Newfane, Akron, Medina, Wilson, Barker, Niagara-Wheatfield, etc.) living within 15 miles of DeSales. Families must apply for transportation by submitting a written request to their school district of residence before April 1st. Questions about routes and schedules should be directed to the office of the school district in which a student resides.
It is the parents’ responsibility to remind the students of the necessity of proper behavior on the bus. The following guidelines have been established by the Lockport City School District:
- The bus driver's instructions must be obeyed
- Heads, arms and hands are to be kept inside the bus at all times
- Emergency doors and windows should not be touched
- Students are to remain seated
- Inappropriate language and behavior will not be tolerated
- If a student will be going home with another parent, or not riding the bus at all, they must also bring in a written note describing the change.
- If a student does not have a note, regardless if they think perhaps their plans may have changed, it is our school policy to send the student home on their regular bus.
- Lockport, Wilson, Barker, Starpoint, and Akron districts will only provide bus transportation to the DeSales students who live within these school districts. These districts will not transport any out of district students for insurance liability reasons. No exceptions will be made.
- Students living in the Lockport School District who normally walk to DeSales Catholic School are not covered under the insurance liability of the bus company. Therefore, walkers may not ride the bus to a friend or relative’s house.
- Any student riding to a DeSales Catholic School sporting event with another parent or coach must have a signed note from their own parent/guardian.
The administration of DeSales Catholic School is responsible for enforcing these policies and we thank you for your support and your cooperation in this matter.
If bus conduct referrals are issued, students may receive detention. Failure to comply with these guidelines may result in loss of transportation privileges.