Lunar New Year- No School
Report Cards Issued
HSA Meet Raffle-DeSales Gym
HSA Meeting @ 6:30pm DeSales Cafeteria
Generation Celebration Mass - Middle School @9:40am
Presidents Day- No School
Winter Recess
6th Grade Field Trip - AKG Art Museum @10am
Ash Wednesday Mass 9:40am
Staff Development Day- No School for Students
Progress Reports Issued
DeSales is a regional Catholic elementary school, located in the Town of Lockport NY, within the Diocese of Buffalo. The school is a designated STREAM school, a center of excellence that inspires individual students to reach their greatest potential, both inside and outside the classroom, while providing students with the fundamental building blocks to be innovative, critical-thinkers, and responsible future leaders.
6914 Chestnut Ridge Rd Lockport, NY 14094