Yahoo Community Fund Grant Awarded to DeSales
Author: Kim Knuutila/Thursday, August 31, 2017/Categories: Special Event
DeSales was represented by Principal Mrs. Karen Rahill and Director of Advancement Mrs. Kim Knuutila at the Oath news conference and reception to recognize the 2017 funding recipients of the Yahoo Community Fund for Niagara County – Empire State Development and Yahoo’s Community Benefit Fund.
DeSales is pleased to share that their educational initiative, 'Out of this World Education' was selected as a 2017 recipient from the Yahoo Community Fund for Niagara County.
This STREAM educational initiative is set for launch this September. Through this generous grant, students will be able to bring their ideas and visions to life with the acquisition of a 3D printer, students will learn more about astronomy and put those lessons into real life application by exploring the sky with two telescopes, all of our students will explore and enjoy the night's sky with a return visit from the Challenger Learning Center's Mobile Planetarium and students in grades 5-8 will run a realistic space mission with a field trip to the Challenger Learning Center.
We are excited and very grateful to the Yahoo Community Foundation and the Community Foundation for Greater Buffalo for this opportunity for our students, thank you!
Pictured: Director of Advancement Kim Knuutila, Principal Karen Rahill, Lieutenant Governor Kathy Hochul and Senior Director of Data Operations Oath Paul Bonaro.