DeSales Hosts Annual Cash Raffle VIRTUALLY
DeSales Catholic School Home School Association invites you to VIRTUALLY join the Annual Cash Raffle Drawing on Saturday, November 20, 2021. Winners will be shared on DeSales Facebook page at 7:00pm on the drawing day. Tickets are $50 each or 3 for $125*. *BONUS* If you purchase 3 tickets for a $125 you will receive a bottle of Black Willow wine that can be picked up at DeSales the day of the event. Your ticket will enter you into a drawing for a chance at the grand prize of $5,000!! PLUS, there will be additional drawings for cash prizes! To purchase tickets for the Cash Raffle, call DeSales at 716-433-6422 ext 407 or purchase online at All proceeds benefit the DeSales H.S.A. and the students of DeSales.
DeSales is Eastern Niagara County’s only Catholic School, serving over 300 students in Early Childhood Education through Eighth grade. For more information call (716) 433-6422 or visit
Photo caption: DeSales 2nd graders, Ella Torcasio, Nicholas Shotell and Amayalis Moss share the excitement for the upcoming Cash Raffle drawing.